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An anagram is a word or sentence that can be transformed into another word or sentence. Anagram is built by using exactly the same letters of the original term, but with a different rearrangement.
Our virtual teacher: misterschool, considers himself a gentleman, an elegant man. The two expressions: «a gentleman» and «elegant man» are anagrams. «Elegant man» has all the same letters as «a gentleman» (including spaces, if we would write a computer script), so the sentence «a gentleman» is an anagram of «elegant man» and viceversa. Considering two very simple words like “arc” and “car“, it is very quickly to understand that these words are anagrams: we have just to permute the letter “c” in “arc” from back to first position.
What is an anagram?
An anagram is a play on words created by permuting the letters of the original word to make a new term or sentence; anagram’s world can be amusing! The game often end in hilarious results.
What does the word “anagram” mean?
We define “anagram” two or more meaning words that exactly reproduces the letters in another order using all the original letters exactly once.
In this document we will What does the word “anagram” mean? ANAGRAM meaning, definition and explanation.
An anagram is a play on words created by permuting the letters of the original word to make a new term or sentence. Anagram world can be funny! Anagram games often end in hilarious results.
Will be a “great art” or just a nag?
An example is the word itself. The first, most know anagram of the plural term “anagrams” is the latin sentence “ars magna” that means: “great art”. Its singular (anagram) can be turned into “nag a ram”!
A short (funny) history.
The best-known tale concerns an itinerant schoolmaster who once frequented these parts. He did not have the classroom. Sometime he slept in a dormitory that was a dirty room. Shopkeepers refused his debit card because he had a bad credit. However he considered itself a gentleman, an elegant man. When he died, his funeral was real fun because epitaph on his tombstone were wrote in the Morse code: “here comes dots of my brief life”.